Among the other 30 to 40 anti-abortion Democrats, I couldn't find any with an unequivocal record against capital punishment.
What Republicans are hoping for is that advocates of abortion rights will challenge anti-abortion Democrats in primaries.
The Whitman campaign retaliated by issuing a list of anti-abortion Democrats whom Mr. Florio had "either run with, supported financially or appointed."
Governor Cecil Andrus, a conservative anti-abortion Democrat, vetoed the legislation on March 30 on the grounds that it was too restrictive.
The letter's signers, including about a dozen who are considered anti-abortion Democrats, said the bishops are "allowing the church to be used for partisan purposes."
It was a great day for anti-abortion Democrats like Bob Casey and probably for pro-gun Democrats like Jim Webb.
Consider his résumé: anti-abortion Democrat, longtime lawyer for Mother Teresa, a onetime Florida secretary of health who was thrown out of office by enraged Republicans.
She also believes, Ms. Boyle said, that Republicans have managed to win the votes of anti-abortion Democrats.
That is not calculated to make anti-abortion Democrats feel especially wanted, even those who don't expect their moral objections to be fully expressed in the law.
For many other anti-abortion Democrats the split conscience is simply reflected in a cooling of ardor.