Marie, a 43-year-old divorced apparel designer, recently became involved with an attractive man her own age.
Although some haute couture or high-end apparel designers may still work in this manner, each year more garments are designed using computer technology.
Several apparel designers have branched out into furniture, including Norma Kamali, Ralph Lauren, Fendi, Hermes and Missoni.
Many real apparel designers do feel this way.
Identifying critical positions, the great attributes needed to fill them, and prioritizing recruiting strategies accordingly was the key to success, whether I was working with engineers, apparel designers, or international operations management.
It may have been, though, that consumers lost faith in some of the more strained narratives European apparel designers have tried to put across in the last few years.
Alex Pardee (born February 5, 1976) is a freelance artist, apparel designer, and comics creator writer, best known for illustrating The Used's album artwork.
Mr. Jones, an apparel designer who grew up in Watts, wanted to make clothes infused with black urban attitude and African accents that would appeal to resurgent black pride.
Their yachting syndicate is organized by Prada, the Italian apparel designer and manufacturer.
The people at L. L. Bean refer consistently to their "apparel designers," in a locution as quaint as a Norman Rockwell illustration.