Not only is the product labeled appropriately according to F.D.A. regulations, but it is the only big-time yogurt that is pasteurized - a critical requirement for rich chocolate taste and creamy texture.
This phase has been appropriately labeled as the Transition Era referring to the time period between 1930 and 1950.
"We believe Quorn is appropriately labeled," said Ashley Hawkins, a Whole Foods' representative.
Despite the wide acceptance of the Kreuter and Skinner (2000) definition, Rimer (2000 pointed out that, although some "tailored" intervention would now be appropriately labeled as "targeted" intervention, these published projects are out there and the article titles remain as "tailored", which might create confusion.
Donald P. Tassone, a spokesman, said that the products were appropriately labeled, but that the company would discuss the labels with the F.D.A. if the agency had any concerns.
However, the USDA mandates that all beef by-products, including cow eyeballs, be appropriately labeled.
Turkey is also commonly used as a substitute, but the use of poultry in pepperoni must be appropriately labeled in the United States.
The hand is appropriately labeled with the Hebrew words "al tishlach" (in English: "do not raise"), an excerpt taken directly from Genesis 22:12, when the angel of God intervenes and exhorts Abrahamto sacrifice a nearby ram in Isaac's place.
We are still considering it, but we believe our products are appropriately labeled.
The Eurovans were launched when Peugeot was replacing the "x05" with "x06" models, so it was appropriately labeled "806".