The production unfolds in the Limelight, the church-turned-club, whose Gothic arches make a perfect setting.
The arch of the Narhani's spine would make that placement tricky, but it was feasible.
No holes were allowed to be drilled, no arches made.
The arch of her throat made him feel heavy in his chest.
Above the windows and doors on the first floor of the building are reinforced arches made of stone, supporting the outside walls above them.
An arch makes an elegant feature out of an opening between two rooms.
The broad arches at the base would make perfect entrances to a train station, he said.
Additionally, in proportion to the entire animal, the nasal arch is very small, and would thus have made only an insignificant contribution to heat loss.
The self-supporting arches on two dining levels make Gaia, for me, the most exhilarating dining room in the state.
An arch of ice, snow crowned, made a perilous bridge over which they crept fearfully.