The architecture comprises what has to be the most spectacular collection of high concept skyscrapers on Earth.
Polite architecture, or "the Polite" comprises buildings designed to include the artifice of non-local styles for decorative effect by professional architects.
Three-tier architectures typically comprise a presentation tier, a business or data access tier, and a data tier.
The typical architecture of a modern CBTC system comprises the following main subsystems:
PlanetSim's architecture comprises three main extension layers constructed one atop another.
Vernacular architecture comprised village (or 'kampong') houses built in the Malay tradition.
The architecture of the Hōheikan comprises a few styles.
The very diverse domestic architecture comprises 19th-century mansions, villas and tenements, and sheltered and nursing homes constructed from Victorian public buildings.
The old architecture together with the naval installations comprise the major tourist attractions of Karlskrona.
The typical architecture comprises two-storey houses with polygonal bay windows and half-timbered gables.