He argued his first case before the high court in March 1952.
The case was argued last week before a state judge, who has yet to issue a decision.
The case was argued before the court on 28 March 2006.
As a lawyer, won 29 of 32 cases argued before the Court.
The case was argued before the court on November 12, 1968.
The police said the two men had argued over money before the shooting.
The case was argued before a panel of the court on October 1, 2007.
But now I come to what was really the main point argued before us.
But he has no jurisdiction in this matter until after the case is argued before the Senate.
I mean, he may have argued a case before him.
I have argued before, and shall again, that the farming industry has nothing to fear from such legislation so long as it is fairly enforced.
Surely they must have argued before, but somehow, in my few years, I had never really heard.
Much of what the Americans were being told, and were now accepting, the antiwar movement had argued 30 years before.
The children told the police that their parents had argued the night before, over money.
As we have argued before, the Council needs to pass a new resolution.
The Bush team, as it has argued before, contended finality of elections was more important.
He was also considering two important class-action lawsuits that had been argued many months before.
There is a case, as has been argued before, for merger.
Yet as this paper has argued before, deeds matter more than words.
The case had been argued the day before, and we were told to expect the decision.