The father was arrested nearby and charged with first-degree assault and possession of a weapon.
His attackers were tracked down by police helicopter and marine units and arrested on a beach nearby.
Captain Collins said that three of the men were arrested nearby.
They stuck around when rape suspects were arrested nearby, and when the police shot a gun-wielding man a few doors down.
The police announce that smugglers were arrested nearby and are being held in Milazzo.
One of the men, Francisco Urena, was arrested nearby.
After being arrested in a parking lot nearby, he was sentenced on November 18, 1980 to 30 years.
One of the men in the Toyota fled and was arrested nearby, the police said.
Luckily, the next morning two men and a boy are arrested nearby, and so the investigation comes to a halt.
After the shooting, the two men fled, one to the east and one to the west, but were arrested nearby.