Nevertheless, the astronauts said they had not been denied entrance to any of the buildings.
The most difficult part about being here, the astronauts said, is not the living conditions, but Russian grammar, in which they are drilled every day.
In the time since, I have listened to what astronauts said about their adventures.
The astronauts say the agency is simply wiser and more prudent.
"On the way to the carrier I felt relieved and happy," the astronaut said later.
The astronaut says that he's in control of the situation - but it does start to eat through his suit.
Two veteran astronauts aboard the flight said they had never seen so much haze over the Earth.
The first astronaut to see the Earth from space said it was a beautiful blue and white ball.
An astronaut had said that about the moon, decades ago.
The astronaut said, "Right," and headed back toward the camera he had left on its tripod.