The astronomers have calculated by statistical methods that at least seven of the bodies are actually planets.
By knowing the true brightness, astronomers can calculate the galaxy's distance from Earth.
To test Byrd's knowledge, he asked if astronomers could not calculate parallaxes.
Instead of once in 500,000 to one million years, as astronomers now calculate, catastrophic impacts could happen every few thousand years.
Knowing the planet's size and mass, astronomers calculated its density to be about 0.2 grams per cubic centimeter.
From these facts, astronomers could calculate nine hundred years later the violence of the detonation.
Second: astronomers have been observing and calculating, and the plan is made exactly according to their results.
At the very top was an observatory chamber where astronomers could calculate the angles of stars.
Elven astronomers had also calculated that there were Stars near the horizon that could not be seen due to the atmosphere.
That, combined with the wobble measurements, can allow astronomers to calculate its density.