The other two astronomers quickly called other observatories, hoping to find something that would tell them they were wrong, but there was no mistake.
Many astronomers felt it should be named for the discoverer and called it "Herschel."
It's filled with dust and gases, what astronomers call inte-rstellar matter.
Some amateur astronomer called the media, some guy who hadn't given up his scope or who's built a new one.
The pattern created by this wake is what astronomers call the Guitar nebula.
The sharpness of images is what astronomers call angular resolution.
Yet there was near by what the astronomers would call a disturbing star, which might have produced an agitation in this gentleman's heart.
It is the first known planet outside our solar system to spend its entire orbit within what astronomers call the "habitable zone".
That which astronomers call a moon by any other name would hardly be the same.
The Sun and its planetary system are about 4.6 billion years old, products of what astronomers call the third generation of stars.