Some astronomers therefore suspect that it was once a comet.
Astronomers suspect that these objects are the most distant black holes ever detected.
Reduce Venus by fifty thousand times, and no astronomer would ever suspect its existence.
Astronomers have long suspected that the magnetic fields above the sun's surface are somehow involved in the heating.
As a few astronomers had suspected, the object is almost certainly an extremely rare type of quasar.
Astronomers have long suspected that a black hole with the mass of three million suns resides there.
But no astronomer ever seriously suspected that pulsars might have planets, anyway.
Astronomers suspect that it was part of a larger body that disintegrated in a collision.
Some astronomers suspect that the unusually huge planet may well be a type of astronomical object that has never been observed before.
Astronomers have long suspected a dark secret about Earth's galaxy, the Milky Way.