However other historians of science claim that Bürgi's legacy of many unique and innovative mechanical astronomical models should be considered an unorthodox method of 'publishing' astronomical insights.
Alok and Dava discuss the little-explored relationship between Copernicus and his follower and friend Rheticus and how Copernicus deftly balanced his brilliant astronomical insights alongside his place within the Catholic church.
All provided instructive astronomical insights.
Max, on yet another dark night, has the astronomical insight of a lifetime, the veritable discovery of heaven, only to be killed by, of all things, a meteorite.
Adam Rutherford with astronomical insights on literature and art.
Dr. Alan J. Friedman, director of The New York Hall of Science, said that although scientists did not expect to gain new astronomical insights from the eclipse, lunar eclipses vividly reflect the overall state of the earth's atmosphere.