His enterprises have included light trailer manufacturing, escort agencies, auto wreckers, transport companies, crash repairers, catering companies, and disposable camera suppliers.
The island is host to a number of auto wreckers.
It is a militaristic-looking complex in a wasteland of auto wreckers and junkyards.
It also operates 20 claims centres in 13 Saskatchewan communities, has a branch office in Winnipeg, and five salvage offices (auto wrecker, used parts).
Bilopphøggers is the Norwegian name for auto wreckers, and drummer Arnulf Paulsen runs a wrecking yard on the side.
Sixty years later a great number of mechanics had been inventive in their efforts to keep the vehicle functional with body parts scrounged from auto wreckers.
An auto wrecker, on the other hand, would price exactly the same scrap based on what the item does, regardless of what it weighs.
In Stormbreaker, Alex uses the rope dart technique to take out four auto wreckers and escape another two.
One told of a sign he'd seen for an auto wrecker and divorce service in Kayenta, Ariz.
There was Joe, who managed a food market, and Sal, who worked for an auto wrecker and did a little freelance car-stripping on the side.