He did not tell his family in order to avoid admitting the failure of his original plan.
Seems to me the computer is turning backflips to avoid admitting that it doesn't know.
In the 1970's, as the subway system was crumbling, he avoided admitting that he worked there.
The easy answer is to avoid admitting the problems and hope that time will make everything better.
How many should die after today to avoid admitting that the earlier dead had very bad leadership?
He mentally called her a child to avoid admitting that she was very much a woman.
In other words, realizing that you made a mistake is an unpleasant experience, and people actively try to avoid admitting they were wrong.
Regarding him as difficult, they said he was an alcoholic to avoid admitting him.
In fact, if you feel happy, the best thing to do is avoid admitting it.
This helps her avoid admitting that Tom, the man upstairs who won't get out of bed because he's too upset, is her husband.