This awkward arrangement was in the hands of entirely inexperienced staff.
It wasn't too awkward an arrangement and, in any case, the best arrangement they could make.
At the start of the premiere episode, Jackie and Sara are living with their parents in a cramped, awkward arrangement.
They inevitably lead to awkward arrangements of back-to-back rooms that seem redundant, while long halls trail off without logic.
An awkward arrangement of glued hair, polyester accessories, Gorgio perfume and the misguided idea that this is chic.
The post-settlement problems also stem from an awkward arrangement.
This is an awkward, inefficient, expensive arrangement, but it's currently the best one if you want raw performance.
But that awkward arrangement, which left more than 1,000 ethnic Albanians fearfully stranded in northern Mitrovica, broke down earlier this month.
Mr. Judson called his awkward arrangement of hooks and eyes a clasp locker.
It was an awkward and uncomfortable arrangement, but he thought it would probably do.