When he and his wife finally returned to California, his success selling 400 pair in otherwise awkward circumstances put him in the optical business.
Then, too, this is an awkward circumstance for a conversation.
Is he feeling embarrassed at meeting one of his own employees under such awkward circumstances?
Not bad, considering that these characters respond to any awkward social circumstance by talking about the weather.
Sprewell and the Warriors now find themselves in awkward circumstances, since it is unlikely that the team or the player will wish to remain together.
Bethia found herself liking the woman, liking the easy, comfortable way she had, despite the awkward circumstances.
It was not wise to have placed you in such an awkward circumstance.
Yet awkward circumstances can arise, sometimes raising questions of abuse of process.
It's a very awkward circumstance when we say comply with the law but we haven't provided the regulations.
General Gallagher appeared to be uncomfortable over the awkward circumstances.