This can happen when accessing awkward locations, or when working on cramped live circuitry.
Figurative scenes predominated, but representations of foliage were sometimes painted in awkward locations such as sloping walls.
So why have two sets of first-time developers picked the most awkward locations possible?
Really looking forward to seeing this show despite the awkward location of the gallery.
A good set of gauges will offer both convex and concave sections, and allow for their application in awkward locations.
L'Atelier has an awkward location in a back corner of the Four Seasons.
Repairing or adjusting the mechanism is easy, but requires working beneath the sink, usually an awkward location.
Proton therapy Radiation can be useful in awkward locations to make surgery more effective.
It won respect for its Roman-style cuisine, but it never overcame its awkward location.
He also stated the venue had a poor layout with its stage in an awkward location.