Forward scattering versus azimuthal angle (δ) scans.
The azimuthal angle and the polarization angle are integrated over analytically, so they no longer appear in the above equation.
However, their order is not systematic, either by diameter, by distance from the central crater or by the azimuthal angle, as agreed for some other lunar craters.
This average is over all azimuthal angles.
Where are the azimuthal angles of the final state particles.
The azimuthal angle belongs to the interval .
(here φ represents the azimuthal angle and θ the zenith angle or co-latitude).
The azimuthal angle affects the geometry and intensity of RHEED patterns.
The azimuthal angle is the angle at which the incident electrons intersect the ordered crystal lattice on the surface of the sample.
Similar to sundials with a fixed axial style, a globe dial determines the time from the Sun's azimuthal angle in its apparent rotation about the earth.