National Football League rules bar players from betting on the outcome of games.
In 2008 the Veterans Committee barred players and managers on the ineligible list from consideration.
The league responded by introducing the offside rule early in the 1929-30 season, barring offensive players from entering their opponent's zone before the puck.
National Football League rules bar unsigned players from training camp, so there is pressure on Hostetler to sign quickly.
As a result, MCC resolved at a meeting the following May to bar players from reporting on matches in which they were involved.
Five days later, she sued Thomas, accusing him of sexual harassment and also business harassment by barring players from working with her on community events.
National Football League rules bar unsigned players from participating in training camp.
But it wasn't a foregone conclusion that the Canadian immigration service would bar foreign players of any type.
Their participation comes despite the lockout, which bars players from having contact with their teams or the league.
Fearing that the pro game tainted the college game, many college administrators barred players from having anything to do with the pros.