Instead, the personal endings are added to the bare present stem.
The second person singular in the active voice uses only the bare stem, and does not add an imperative ending.
In this case, position the tree with the buds to the left and right, and the stake behind facing bare stem.
Chuck looked at the bare green stem in his grandmother's fingers.
Strip off the lower foliage, leaving one or two pairs of leaves over a couple of inches of bare stem.
The bare stem is often long, (up to 3 times the cap diameter) and tapering towards the base, with a tendency to flatten.
Htaa is a rare suffix that combines with the bare nominal stem of the noun.
The vocative singular is the bare stem without an ending.
For example, white pine typically has a long bare stem, with branching beginning far up the trunk.
The airborne disease appears as a white powder on the underside of leaves, causing them to yellow and fall off, leaving a bare stem.