The beast swung, side to side, a furry pendulum, head weaving on its heavy neck.
But only for a moment was he undecided; then he called to Old White, and at his command the beast swung him to its back.
The two beasts swung away farther downriver, and Borim got to his feet, the spell broken.
Swinging the alder staff like a club, the older brother rushed the beast, careless of his own safety.
For all we know, the beast may swing through the trees like what's its name.
The beast hissed with the fury of steam released through a fissure in the earth, and swung abruptly away.
All six beasts swung their heads round, huge jaws opening to ready fangs the size of human fingers.
The startled beast swung around, but the man held a tight hold of its horns.
The big beast swung again, and Swain dived to his left.
As was, the beast swung from the rim and clattered across the mountainside.