Albert, a beekeeper, devises a novel solution by adding royal jelly, used to make bee larvae grow, to the baby's milk.
In experiments reported in last week's issue of the journal Science, the scientists found that extracts from bee larvae, called esters, attracted the parasites.
Another exotic food from this area is the bee larvae.
Honey bees may become infected with a bacterial disease called foul brood, which attacks the developing bee larva while still living in the cell.
On Day 6 the cricket guts are replaced by whole abdomens and the bee larvae are eliminated.
They often follow a honeyguide (a bird that eats bee larvae) to find the beehives.
The pollen is used as protein for the bee larvae.
This disease only affects the bee larvae but is highly infectious and deadly to bee brood.
It was the compound secreted by the pharyngeal glands of worker bees, fed to all bee larvae.
In addition to beehives, the remains of bees and bee larvae and pupae were also found.