As Castellano began exiting the car, two gunmen (including Tony Rampino) walked up and fired at least six bullets at him, including a final shot to his head.
He was angry that they hadn't been able to make it to the cover of the crates before the men began exiting the tent.
Then the anchors began exiting.
In New York, sunrise will be at 5:25 a.m., and Venus is to begin exiting the solar disc at 7:06, when the Sun is 17 degrees above the horizon.
IH's new CEO, Donald Lennox, directed the management organization to begin exiting many of its IH's historical business sectors in an effort to survive.
Big shoulder pads began exiting from fashion a few years ago.
This issue could be compounded if private providers begin exiting a market as mentioned above.
After a failed expansion plan and severe downgrades by financial ratings agencies, Kemper began exiting the business in 2003.
The march began with Seeger and fellow musicians exiting Symphony Space (95th and Broadway), where they had performed as part of a benefit for Seeger's Clearwater organization.
Investors in those funds reached the break-even point in April 1994 and they promptly began exiting the arena.