When fire investigators left, they went into the burned house and began retrieving household items, photo albums first.
Explosive charges were used to drop the bridge into the river, after which cranes began retrieving the steel parts for scrapping.
While trying to remember who this man is, you begin retrieving specific details about your previous encounter.
When my rig hit the water, I let it settle for a few seconds, then began retrieving it in twitches and jerks.
'Well, I guess we don't need the pentagram any longer,' Sabat strode across and switched on the light, began retrieving his clothes.
'However, we shall meet again soon,' he leaned across her, began retrieving his cast-off clothing.
All of the ship's party survived the shipwreck, and they soon began retrieving provisions and supplies from the wreck.
His second-in-command began retrieving the taxing rolls from the collector's sanguine robes.
About 15 minutes after they cast the net, they began retrieving it.
Arriving passengers should be able to begin retrieving their luggage within 4.5 minutes after airplanes are unloaded.