Mental retardation, abnormal facial features, problems with the central nervous system and behavioral difficulties are others.
The children come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and often have serious emotional, psychological and behavioral difficulties.
Just because they're speaking about it or showing some behavioral difficulties doesn't mean they're eventually going to have problems.
It is associated with a number of cognitive and behavioral difficulties in humans.
Funds from the University of Maryland are being used to set up a class for kids with behavioral difficulties.
It is necessary to note that most young children do not develop emotional and behavioral difficulty.
Other effects include reduced attention span, hearing loss, stunted growth, reading and learning problems and behavioral difficulties.
Specialized therapeutic or treatment group homes are available to meet the needs of children with emotional and behavioral difficulties.
Certain types of damage to the brain will cause behavioral and cognitive difficulties.
Advocates argue that it aids student outcomes such as test scores, graduation rates, and solutions to behavioral difficulties.