The behavioral geneticists cite several reasons why the time is right for their studies.
Rebecca is married to a superstar scientist, Alistair Betterton, a behavioral geneticist whose good looks and glib tongue have made him a popular talk-show guest.
Kaczynski then called Gelernter's brother, Joel Gelernter, a behavioral geneticist, and told him, "You are next."
To disentangle the effects of genes and environment, behavioral geneticists perform adoption and twin studies.
To express the portion of the variance due to the "nature" component, behavioral geneticists generally refer to the heritability of a trait.
But those aren't a behavioral geneticist's tools.
Together with earlier, smaller studies, this research has allowed behavioral geneticists to begin to speak confidently about the influence of genes on a number of human characteristics.
He is the son of David T. Lykken, noted psychologist, behavioral geneticist, and twin researcher.
As the behavioral geneticist David Rowe observed some years ago, "Socially, learning to smoke is primarily a peer group process."
DNA reveals so much about a person that behavioral geneticists might wish to search through state databanks for genetic variants linked to criminal behavior.