In a recent experiment, Dr. Cash surveyed 145 men about their emotional and behavioral reactions to balding.
Schemas can be viewed as a cognitive framework that organizes the relationship between external social stimuli and one's behavioral reactions.
The neurological, emotional, cognitive, semantic, and behavioral reactions to events determines the semantic response of a situation.
According to Bandura, expectations such as motivation, performance, and feelings of frustration associated with repeated failures determine effect and behavioral reactions.
Another hypothesis is that testosterone influences brain areas that control behavioral reactions.
When measuring participants' salivary testosterone, higher levels can predict subsequent aggressive behavioral reactions to unfairness faced during a task.
Emotional intelligence as a moderator of emotional and behavioral reactions to job insecurity.
The presence of pain in an animal cannot be known for certain, but it can be inferred through physical and behavioral reactions.
In regards to behavioral reactions to victimization, research has identified two categories of characteristic responses.
In this sense, the manipulator controls the emotional and behavioral reactions of the mark through evocation.