His mother, Lydia Very, was known for being an aggressive freethinker who made her atheistic beliefs known to all.
Others of them are Muslim or have local animist beliefs known as aluk ("the way").
I have no reason to fear pundits being critical of Labour, particularly if they are 'open-minded' and their political beliefs known.
And to justify seizing it, Americans found a handy weapon in a set of centuries-old beliefs known as the "black legend."
This reflects the philosophical belief known as nihilism.
Its most simple definition is the belief in the six articles of faith, known as arkān al-īmān.
The name derives from an old belief, now known to be false, that the spiders dig deep burrows similar to those of mice.
Sikhs have 5 different beliefs known as the Five Ks which they should practice:
Most of the population is Christian, and others are Muslim or have local animist beliefs known as aluk ("the way").
The society still performs traditional animistic beliefs, known as Djingi Tiu.