Windows Live Barcode was shortly taken offline following its beta launch in October 2006.
As of the time of their beta launch in June 2012, the platform listed 1500 properties for rent throughout East Africa.
A beta launch was released with a limited user list of 250, and the full-service officially launched in December 2012.
The chess server announced his beta soft launch for January 15, 2012.
An alpha version of Dimdim was released in fall 2006, followed by a private beta launch in fall 2007.
As the testing progresses, Twitter will begin hammering out a schedule for a beta launch and a full production release.
The initial beta launch of Pear was limited to the greater Chicago area.
The site went live 3 September 2008 after a beta launch in May 2008, growing to over 24,000 registered members by its live date.
This beta launch isn't a beta in a traditional sense.
At the time of the open beta launch, a limited number of Seed Accounts were also available.