The regulations, he said, should be tied to developing better batteries rather than arbitrarily set.
Pretty much the only way they can go: smaller, cheaper and tougher, with better batteries and greater capacity.
The 900 should have a 25% better battery and an awesome MP3 player.
"This will give the industry some breathing room to look for a better battery."
Along with the new screen comes a better battery that stretches reading life out to 150 hours.
So I want a universal charger - or perhaps a better battery.
Do we really need government grants to build a better battery?
M. had learned some valuable technological lessons from the EV1, including how to develop better batteries for electric cars.
The first hand axe, better batteries, cloning wildcats, why we should return to the Moon.
Make the phones thicker, you can fit in a better battery when you do that.