These ranks are believed to have served as a way to better distinguish and balance out an extremely top-heavy leadership corps.
To better distinguish the wide range of neighborhoods, the city is organized into 11 districts.
The blacksmith shifted his position so that he could better distinguish the youth's face in the darkness.
When he was reintroduced for the presidential race storyline, he was changed, presumably to better distinguish him from Steve Dallas.
It was originally a part of the Third Courtyard but recent scholars have identified it as more separate to better distinguish it.
In 1984, the letter U was added as part of efforts to better distinguish the S-Bahn from the U-Bahn.
Both images use a combination of visible and infrared light to better distinguish between water and land.
It is better distinguished microscopically: it has smaller spores, shorter and narrower basidia, and distinctive cystidia.
However, bilingual road signs use dotless i in lowercase Irish text to better distinguish i from í.
It also allows doctors to better distinguish between Urbach-Wiethe disease and other similar diseases not caused by mutations in ECM1.