For Heraclitus logos provided the link between rational discourse and the world's rational structure.
It seeks to build bridges between scholarly research and public discourse in order to address inequality and discrimination.
Factors are the epoch considered, the country, the religious orientation, the political intent, the popular beliefs, the private benefit or the dichotomy between reality and discourse.
Can this polarization between "modernist discourse" and Islamic revivalism be overcome?
Using the Internet at your local library provides a healthy balance between private computing and public discourse.
"Witchcraft, development and paranoia in Cameroon: interactions between popular, academic and state discourse".
The uppermost portion of this page suggests the link between female discourse and fiction:
However, this is merely the most obvious example of the changing relationship between diction and discourse which postmodernism presents.
"The difference between discourse among friendly nations and unfriendly ones, oddly enough, is that the former can often be more acrimonious than the latter."
If Marxist socialism holds, we have to choose between cultural subjective discourse and pre-dialectic theory.