As an individual is transported into a narrative world, the experiences of the protagonist are shared by the individuals, creating a stronger connection between the protagonist's beliefs, motives and views which the individual holds.
In the early 1980s, Ressler helped to organize the interviews of thirty-six incarcerated serial killers in order to find parallels between such criminals' backgrounds and motives.
He deemed it indispensable to examine the ground of his belief, to settle the relation between motives and actions, the criterion of merit, and the kinds and properties of evidence.
In the first section just after the opening phrase, particularly, Isaac follows the sequence of two duets, tutti, alternation between short motives, and tutti.
An interrogator was present during the interview, but Mr. Aweis seemed at ease, roaming freely between the operational details and ideological motives of his activities.
This predicament indicates a tension between traditional motives for violence and the modern economic machine, which seems to generate violence simply as another means to profit, quite independent of geographical or ideological constraints.
In public, she was quick to discern between friendly advice and motives of rivalry.
The techno soundtrack established dialectical relation between motives of the movie: Rhythm, Repetition, and Interval among various spatio-temporal logics.
Partly irrational failures to try to solve perceived problems often arise from clashes between short-term and long-term motives of the same individual.
The tensions between secular and religious motives continued within Zionism.