In the end, your biggest dilemma will simply be how to fit everything into only one family holiday.
But perhaps the biggest dilemma is how to tell the story of art of the last 30 years.
A. This is a big dilemma, because when someone comes to see me, they are my patient.
It was a big dilemma for him, and he had not decided what to do.
Your biggest dilemma will be which one to visit first.
But we're not a team that can slow it down and take our time, so it's a very big dilemma.
When there was a choice between sleep and food, Laura faced her biggest dilemma.
"One of the big dilemmas is where can these women go," she said.
"We have a big social dilemma about what to do with these people."
And it is this last question which poses the biggest dilemma facing a person.