Keisha went outside to start a fire in the big oven built into the eighth - stone - side of the barn.
They painted it as a big oven, burning.
No alcohol, and easy to miss because it's small and there's no English sign; look for the big open oven.
In the photos, all of these are the big old-fashioned ovens.
With an average cooking time of three hours and a size that fills even a big oven, turkey can be trouble.
The bilevel 145-seat dining room, with big wood-burning ovens and an open kitchen, has a 1980's feel.
Its big oven can be used both to cook food, and as a fireplace.
The big oven will do all the cooking.
At the far end four big ovens occupied the space, huge pipes leading up from them into the ceiling overhead.
People in New York City use these for big, commercial ovens, but they shouldn't.