Use a safe backpack, stroller, or bike trailer so that smaller children can be included in family activities.
Did we prefer a bike trailer for Simon or a stroller attachment?
Town bikes are $20 a day, mountain bikes $25 and a bike trailer for little ones $15.
We then load the bike trailer and aim to depart by 8am.
Campsites are 20 miles apart, and all food, water and equipment is hauled in backpacks or bike trailers.
There was a snowmobile under another tarp, an old one, next to the bike trailer.
The cooperative, which is made up of 60 worker-owners, produces tandem bicycles and bike trailers.
Look carefully into the safety features of bike trailers before you buy.
Babies aren't strong enough to handle the bumpy ride in a bike trailer.
Children in bike trailers should wear helmets.