A white 10-year-old boy has been charged with racially harassing and threatening to kill a 9-year-old black classmate at a school bus stop, the police said today.
Another first-year student, since identified as white, then sent an anonymous e-mail message to a black classmate who had complained about the first posting.
As I got to know my black classmates better, I learned that they too felt self-conscious.
My daughter is in third grade in suburban Philadelphia, and this is the first year she has had a black classmate.
"It was an act of solidarity with black classmates who felt aggrieved by the college."
By the end of the story, with the help of a black classmate, he comes to some small recognition of his father's errant thinking.
So in Earth Science class one recent morning, he joshed with black classmates, who teased that he was stealing his sense of style from them.
A black classmate of his "who had even better grades than I did" also interviewed with the firm.
White students often use that strategy to connect with black classmates.
She had two black classmates, both men.