More and more California wine producers are moving away from calling their wine cabernet sauvignon, for example, because they prefer the freedom to blend other grapes into their wines.
The petit verdot and malbec are often used in Bordeaux as blending grapes and are grown on the Island solely by Pindar, the largest of the local producers.
Pyment: Pyment blends honey and red or white grapes.
The grapes are still commonly used as blending grapes in table wine and mass commercial wines.
Many producers make single-vineyard wines rather than blend grapes from separate sites into one wine.
Considered the first person to have mastered the technique of creating and preserving Champagne's sparkle, he was also the first to blend grapes from many vineyards.
They blend native grapes with international favorites like cabernet sauvignon and merlot.
I made it nonvintage originally because that gave me more versatility in blending grapes from two different years - and we have never changed it.
Both the blanc and noir versions of Piquepoul are permitted blending grapes for the production of Châteauneuf-du-Pape.
Crabmeat salad, often an overchilled bore, was a glistening dill-accented mound of lump crab set in a delightful consommé blending ripe tomatoes and grapes.