He said that some firefighters performed heroically, climbing through the building to rescue tenants despite blinding smoke.
As others fought the blaze, Firefighter David Robrecht made his way up the stairs of the house to the children's room, and began searching through thick, blinding smoke.
Along the way, John runs into Leann in the blinding smoke.
Death and destruction laid forth, the blinding smoke..." He trailed off, gasping.
Flame, in sheets, spread with appalling swiftness through the ceiling tiles and ticket booths, causing blinding smoke.
Newspapers have quoted alleged leaders of the mob as saying that Brown was shoved at them through a blinding smoke by persons whom they could not see.
Not all of the torches had been thrown at first, so that there were plenty in reserve as the enemy came closer to the blinding smoke.
And still, when his brother-in-law had heaped on more wood, he was heard through the blinding smoke, still dismally crying, 'O!
Explosions of multicolored light left a thick, blinding smoke in their wake, and the merchant dashed for the side of the tent.
He gasped for air as a cargo bay was filled with blinding smoke.