"Is 'Slab' Murphy's bloody reign drawing to an end?"
During his bloody reign, many Christians, including Peter according to tradition, were martyred in the circus or in the adjoining gardens.
With the departure of U.S. forces from Vietnam and no other country willing to intervene, Pol Pot began his bloody reign.
"Sweet Mary and Joseph, is it to be this kind of bloody reign forever?"
Mattingly would go on to become the one franchise fixture in the bloody reign of George M. III.
They instituted one of the bloodiest reigns in Mafia history, ordering virtually anyone who crossed them to be murdered.
The bloody reign of Slayer.
The bloody reign of your god is over, and now you may return to the truth.
Amuso, the first member of the Lucchese family's Brooklyn wing to become boss, soon started one of the bloodiest reigns in Mafia history.
From 1509 to 1547, thousands of people were beheaded under the bloody, violent reign of Henry VIII.