The gardens are largely maintained by local volunteers, one of whom may be seen in the image above carefully trimming the boundary hedge.
He started a commission for a house outside Cambridge but fell into a dispute with the client over the materials for the boundary hedge.
There were several openings in the boundary hedge, where little paths had been worn through, and the prince chose the nearest one.
Flowers planted together by color formed terraced boundary hedges of white, red, and gold.
Tall boundary hedges on each side made the lane very dark.
It has been proposed that boundary hedges can be dated by hedgerow dating.
Further on, the boundary hedge was just as trim and neat as it had always been.
From the bedroom window the view was clear all the way to the boundary hedge near the old Alcott house.
The constable slipped down the lane, thus leaving the thick boundary hedge between himself and the others.
A few weeks ago the boundary hedge was fired.