The town is famous for brass vessels.
Next morning, Prafulla digs up the place, and finds large brass vessels full of gold coins.
Carefully, he pulled the end out from under Daniel's foot, coiled the length and placed it in the brass vessel the raven held out.
He then emptied these into the raven's brass vessel.
Palm trees, camels, alleys hung with carpets and brass vessels.
It gives instructions on constructing a similar brass vessel, and using the proper magic formulae to safely call up those demons.
The nocturnal visitor placed a brass vessel full of rice in front of the widow and commanded: "Wake the children up and feed them!"
Still others set up a sort of a stand by the kettle; one broad plank projected out over the polished brass vessel.
A brass vessel is kept over the lamp, leaving a little gap, just enough for the oxygen to aid the burning of the lamp.
The flowers and mangoes were arranged in brass vessels and the informal durbar would be set up.