The break out of the war caused stress on the priests at Mangu.
Small breaks may cause pain that is made worse when you walk or you lift objects.
Even short breaks in your continuous medication schedule can cause the treatment to stop working.
Even short breaks in the flow of your medication through the IV can cause the treatment to stop working.
The break caused the sea floor to rise by several meters.
Also, the break in play caused the team to lose a significant amount of fans.
The break caused Combat's sources of information to be diminished somewhat.
This break with the working classes caused him to try to maintain a right-wing-radical alliance until 1937, when it took a turn towards the left.
A major break caused the water to begin to run out, after a tunnel collapsed on 20 June 2006.
A 20-day break, however, could perhaps have caused a collapse of the entire industry lasting quite some time.