In one area, 3,000 of 4,000 breathing holes had been netted, many probably illegally.
Polar bears sometimes crashed through 4 seal's breathing hole just as the seal was coming up for air.
Ahead, sooner than Arkady had expected and clearer with every step, was the breathing hole.
She jabbed her finger through the pasteboard top, making little breathing holes.
Both the mantle and the breathing hole are found at the tail end of the body.
I was able to make a small breathing hole for him, so he should be able to survive until we can get everything under control.
There wasn't even a breathing hole drilled in the walls, or a single crack to let air through, and that was bad.
It was a seal's breathing hole, iced over and tinged with blood.
What if the egg fell over, and the breathing hole was blocked by the sand?
The whales became trapped at a small breathing hole while they were making their annual migration south.