The palace, which is magnificent beyond description, was built centuries ago, in the reign of King Glacier.
The tunnels were built in the reign of George the third.but engineers say they've stood up to two centuries of wear remarkably well.
It was probably built in 1865 in the reign of the Qing Dynasty.
The main church appears to have been built in the reign of George IV early in the 13th century.
"I think it may have been built in the reign of Cheb the Mighty."
There had been an abbey but that was long ago; the present house had been built in the reign of Anne.
It is thought that the original church was built in the reign of Edward III.
It was built in the reign of Kanishka (128-151 AD).
It was built in the reign of King Ramesuan in 1369.
The manor-house, it was said, had been built in the reign of Henry the Seventh.