The residents of the Altai Republic are demanding the return of the burial artifacts from their current location in Novosibirsk.
But it is unclear how many of the estimated 600,000 skeletons and thousands of burial artifacts in university collections and museum collections will be reburied.
Only State With a Law Nebraska is the only state with a law governing the return of remains and burial artifacts.
Never robbed, it contained more than 2,000 burial artifacts.
With 18,650 sets of Indian remains and thousands of burial artifacts, the Smithsonian's is by far the largest such collection in the United States.
American Indians have protested various displays of their culture in the past, particularly exhibits of skeletons and and burial artifacts.
Other requests for repatriation have not gone as smoothly, especially when museums were asked for valuable burial artifacts that they have carefully preserved.
There was a luxury trade between Kent and the Franks, and burial artifacts found include clothing, drink, and weapons that reflect Frankish cultural influence.
The part of the tomb housing the coffin and the burial artifacts is the core of the architectural complex of the mausoleum, which has not been excavated.
These include the Mattaponi, Pamunkey, and Chickahominy, whose people consider such sites sacred, as they include burial artifacts of their ancestors.