Then they burrowed inside.
She pulls back her shirt to reveal her upper arms, which are heavily tracked with scars - the result of "dope worms," a tactile hallucination that compels addicts to dig into their flesh to free the creatures they imagine to be burrowing inside.
She undid the buttons on his shirtfront and allowed her hand to burrow inside, caressing his skin and thick mat of dark hair that grew there.
Something small and dark was chewing on an arm, swallowing hunks of flesh as it burrowed inside.
The eggs hatch after about six days, and the larvae, about 0.1 inch long, burrow inside, and attach themselves to the stomach wall by spines and mouth-hooks.
They didn't burrow inside and ignore it.
In the past, breezy cabins and frosty tents may have kept you from a good night's sleep, but now that you have the Big Agnes Farwell 0 Degree Synthetic Sleeping Bag to burrow inside, you snore the nights away.
Burrowing inside.
Before it could burrow inside, Kelly struck out with the back of her hand and knocked it away.
His pinkie touched her ear and tried to burrow inside.