A burst of azure fire seemed to explode in the vast black beyond the open door.
But after a while, his white-hot burst of courage seemed to fizzle out, to turn cold.
Then a great burst of wind, the mother seemed to have drifted away, the child's eyes were black and dilated.
In the making of movies for children these days, a burst or two of flatulence seems to be mandatory.
This sudden burst of chatter seemed to annoy the man and the woman more than Julian's answers.
Most have held the view that because the bursts seem to be random in all directions, they probably come from remote parts of the universe.
The burst of action seemed to help morale some.
The momentary letdown made the instant burst of fear seem all the more extreme.
On the contrary, the sudden burst of romance seemed more genuine than anything else she had ever experienced.
Almost instantaneously, a terrific burst of fire seemed to erupt in the telescope screen where the black ship had been.