We have all heard that a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil could cause a tornado in Texas.
According to that theory, a butterfly flapping its wings in America could cause or prevent a tornado in Indonesia.
By the time they'd reached the closing credits, Maria felt a whole flock of butterflies flapping in her stomach.
Riding horseback up and just over the mountain, visitors were first greeted, here and there, by lone, stray butterflies gliding or flapping their way past.
A butterfly flapping its wings at Aqueduct caused a meteor to fall out of the sky in Kentucky.
A butterfly flapping its wings in India would mean an end to unlimited data plans.
The Deluxe Edition also includes a new cover, similar to the original, but with a moving butterfly flapping its wings and the band members jamming to the song.
A butterfly flapping its wings in Kansas today contributes to the tornado in Florida tomorrow.
The classic example, called the butterfly effect, asks whether a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil could cause a tornado in Texas.