This doctrine was never held by the church or practiced by clergy in their official capacity.
Certainly, we must respond the best we can to all those who have suffered abuse by clergy.
But the case came as no surprise to some victims' groups that say sexual abuse by clergy is more widespread than generally believed.
She was taken to English-occupied Paris and put on trial by clergy from the city's university.
Like other religious groups, the church has come under criticism in light of cases of sexual abuse by clergy and others.
Early prejudice against Smith may have taken place by clergy, but there is no contemporary record of this.
It isn't, of course-it's government by clergy, who only cite God to justify what they want to do.
For other garments worn by clergy, see also clerical clothing.
The Congress was a meeting of some 17 000 people (contemporary estimate) attended by clergy and laity.
Ashfield, the next house on the same side, was occupied during the 18th century by Protestant clergy.